Handmade fabric planner cover for a6 journal by magpiesoul spooky fabric with stripes and matching bow

Halloween in April - Blame it On The Eclipse

Okay. So for months I‘ve been geekin’ out over all the awesomely vibrant spring colors coming out in the stores and the ones being shoved down my e-throat on social media ads. Ya feel me?

I redid my whole website because I fell in love with the color palette on a custom theme I got from Etsy. Couldn’t help myself. Now I’m happy with it and can proceed with making cute stuff! 

Kirkland’s had the most precious little pastel Easter bunnies! (And I didn’t buy them! Shocking.) (Sorry, Little Fellas.) 😂😳

I’m not too sure what the hell happened between then and now, and I’m also really not sure how I got here…

Maybe it was the cool weather spell last week. (It felt like fall!) 🍂

Maybe the planets got together behind my back and decided to align in a zig-zag formation? 😂

Maybe the wind blew in just the right direction on Tuesday… 🌬️

Who knows!? Either way, I’m in the Halloween spirit and swinging back to a darker, more spooky-vibed color palette this week. AND. I’M. LOVING. IT!!!


A couple of days ago I picked up a black hobo weeks cover and a grid notebook to slip into it.  I’m hoping to get some journaling/memory keeping done and make some videos of the process… don’t wait on it, though. Who knows what I’ll be getting into next!? 😂👀


I’ve also been making these awesome fabric bow clips because I LOVE FABRIC. And because I LOVE PLANNERS. And because I can’t ever have enough bows. (Also because my sewing machine has been giving me the evil side-eye from across the room for being neglected for so long.)  👀


SOOOOO… Today I decided to make a spooky wrap cover for an A6 grid journal. 

I had some Alexander Henry fabric in my stash that I used to cut out spooky Ghastile Family photos. This fabric has been with me for a couple of years, so I wanted to randomly google it to see if it was still for sale anywhere. Yep. eBay and Etsy had it… for over 100 USD a yard.


Anyway, this wrap style cover has always been popular with the MagpieFamily, and a lot of y’all have been waiting for me to get stitchin’ again, so I figured I’d get creative and crank one out for y’all today.

It came out AWESOME! 🤩



I can’t wait until the new owner gets it this weekend or early next week. She ordered it within about five minutes of me posting it on IG and the FB Group!

I’d say we’re two lucky gals!

⭐️ Her: because a lot of people are messaging me to buy it but it’s sold out and she’s the new owner!

⭐️ And me: because I got inspired, created something off the top of my head and people take the time out of their day to comment on it and purchase it.  🙏🏻 

I’m so thankful. So lucky. So happy.

I see yall. I appreciate all the follows, shares, thumbs-ups, hell even the thumbs downs. 🤷🏼‍♀️ You keep me goin! Thank you for the support now, then, and always!

If you haven’t heard, we’ve got a new Facebook group and you should hop in and come hang out with us! It’s a small place for planner & stationery lovers to gather around and inspire each other with pics, ideas, and chit chats.

I still haven’t started the newsletters yet, but in time I believe I will.  SO SIGN UP! 😂

I spent several days last week redoing 300+ listings.  Working on SEO stuff.  Trying to be more active on my socials, etc.  I’m proud of the progress I’ve made so far and looking forward to keeping it going as long as I can.  

Thanks for hangin’ out!





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